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The extra options are activated by applying one or several of the following generic CSS-classes.

Title underline

Add a bottom border to the title. The line-color is chosen as follows:

Generic CSS-class:

  • White: line-white
  • Black: line-black
  • Grey: line-greyNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Yellow: line-yellowNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Blue: line-blueNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02,... 10)
  • Green: line-greenNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Red: line-redNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)

Method: Add CSS-class to the HTML-tag for the title

Line color: Select from Color Scheme.

Shaded title, with green underline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Non-shaded title, with blue underline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Title decoration

Add a decoration box to the title line. Text is allowed inside the decoration box text. Box-width adapts automatically to text length.

Generic CSS-class:

  • Box on: box-on
  • Box off: box-off

Method: For the decoration box an additional HTML-tag, which is identical to the regular tag for the title, must be inserted. In the new HTML-tag add the desired CSS-class to turn the box either on or off. To remove the decoration box, it is not necessary to delete the HTML-tag, but simply switch the setting to "box off" and let the HTML-tag remain in place.

You can also add additional generic CSS-classes to modify text (txt-xxxxNN) and/or background colors (bg-xxxxNN) of the decoration box. Sections 3 and 4 below.

Text and background colors: Select from Color Scheme.

Blue decoration without text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Yellow decoration with black text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Green decoration with white text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Text color

Text color can be modified locally.

Generic CSS-class:

  • White: txt-white
  • Black: txt-black
  • Grey: txt-greyNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Yellow: txt-yellowNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Blue: txt-blueNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02,... 10)
  • Green: txt-greenNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Red: txt-redNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)

Method: Add this class to the HTML-tag to modify text color.

Color: Select from available Color Scheme.

This is text with "txt-grey05".

This is text with "txt-yellow10".

This is text with "txt-green10".

This is text with "txt-red10".

This is text with "txt-blue10".

Background color

Background color can be modified locally.

Generic CSS-class:

  • White: bg-white
  • Black: bg-black
  • Grey: bg-greyNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Yellow: bg-yellowNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Blue: bg-blueNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02,... 10)
  • Green: bg-greenNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)
  • Red: bg-redNN (NN=colorindex: 01, 02, ..., 10)

Method: Add this class to the HTML-tag to modify background color.

Color: Select from available Color Scheme.

This is background "bg-grey05".

This is background "bg-yellow10".

This is background "bg-green07".

This is background "bg-red10".

This is background "bg-blue05".

Text alignment

Align text locally.

Generic CSS-class:

  • Align left: Default setting
  • Align center: align-center
  • Align right: align-right

Method: Add CSS-classes in any text-related HTML-tag.

This is default left-aligned.

This is center-aligned

This is right-aligned.